Friday, February 20, 2009


I want this blog to be about me and what I do to an almost annoying degree. I dont really know why. I guess for staying in touch with distant friends, to pass people's boredom, and tell funny stories. The biggest and most time consuming part of my life since I got back to Tampa has definitely been work. So it would make sense that I should blog about it at least once. 

I work at a plant where generic soda is made. Basically, what I do is run a room called the can fill room. So, empty cans come into my room without lids, and this machine called a "can filler" fills them up with Dr. Thunder. Then, the cans go to what is known in the business as a "seamer".  What this machine does, is it kind of seams the lids onto the can. This is where most of my work comes in. What I do all day while this is going on is keep feeding sleeves of lids into the seamer. I think there are about three-hundred lids in each sleeve and we produce about twelve-hundred cans a minute. So, that's how busy I am. Almost too busy to send a text message, but not quite.


The people I work with are a mixed bag to say the least. There are a couple of old Haitian men, a few people from the Phillippines, a few people from Puerto Rico, one man from Kenya, and I'm not quite sure where everyone else is from. But the important part is that all of them have really strong accents which makes understanding important things over the radio nearly impossible. My boss is pretty much the only person who isn't from another country that I work with. His name is Mike and he has a pony tail and likes to say "Boy" every six seconds. There is some other guy who is from some big industrial ghetto up North but I dont know much about him because I avoid him. He always asks you, "Can I buy a cigarette off of you, Dog?", knowing well that no one will actually say "Yes, .65 cents please."

I work on the third shift. Which is from 10 o'clock PM until 6 o'clock AM. This has it's advantages, I suppose. I will never get cancer from the sun. I eat dinner from breakfast. I eat breakfast for dinner. I don't have to deal with rush hour traffic. I get paid .45 cents extra an hour. The downside is that if I wanted to, I would never have time to do things a normal 24 year old would want to do because of the tim constraints. No girlfriends, no going back to college, no parties, no dinner with friends, and certainly no Adult Swim. 


I should quit my job.


  1. You should quit that job. . . I dont think I could do that every night.

  2. dude. quit. maybe not now. but set a goal. that is a dead end. 6 months tops. stepping stone—no more. would you rather be broke in tally or miserable in tampa. find your happy place. ha.
